Archive | January, 2013

Hello 2013. New Year, New Home, New Kitchen.

17 Jan
Trucking up the Newport Coast, leaving the OC behind.

Trucking up the Newport Coast, leaving the OC behind.

Whew. Well, I apologize for such a long pause on the blogging, but exciting things have been afoot. I also apologize for never revealing the Tiny Kitchen Remodel in its fullest, because now there’s no need.

Yes folks, there’s a new kitchen in town. In fact, it’s a new town and a new home. The Husband and I packed up the furry kids, most of the house and the surprisingly large amount of kitchen equipment I have and put it in a U-Haul. We survived the freeways of Los Angeles (see This Is LALA Land for more info on that—she’s a stronger woman than I) and crossed into our hallowed land of Santa Barbara. Continue reading