Archive | August, 2012

Triple-Green Zucchini Pasta With Broccoli-Arugula Pesto

15 Aug

I think I already mentioned that I’d taken a blood test to finally figure out what my food sensitivities are. It turns out that all grains are off the menu, as are soy, beans, legumes and dairy. Well, we knew about dairy already, so no surprises there.

But it made me think seriously about my diet. Beans, legumes (i.e. lentils, my absolute FAVES) and soy are some of the first things I reach for when I’m going for a vegetarian or vegan alternative. Er, those are out the window. Basically I’ve found out that my diet falls under the “Paleo” title, which makes it easier as there’s some cookbooks out there to inspire me.

Now, please don’t think that I’ve fallen for this whole “pre-agriculture everyone was healthy and that’s how we should eat now to avoid every ailment” theory. I know it’s not scientifically accurate, but that’s not what was bothering me. It was reintroducing meat into my diet.

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A Raw Deal: Blueberry “Cheese”cake

12 Aug

Cool, raw and delicious.

So, nobody ever dares make me a birthday cake, and I don’t blame them. It’s tricky with my dietary restrictions, plus I guess all my baking makes a few people a little hesitant to make things for me. Although my dad did make a vegan carrot cake for me once—it was tasty, but the presentation was hilarious, mainly because he plopped it down in front of me, saying: “And that’s what you get when you don’t make frosting with real butter!” Yes, the frosting appeared less than perfect, but it was all delicious. And I loved him for making a vegan cake for me!

This year I made my own, and about a month after my birthday. What with all the celebrating, I didn’t really have a chance before that! Continue reading

Oatmeal Chocolate-Chip Cookies

4 Aug

You can’t eat just one.

I had some time to myself since The Husband was out holding an open house, and it was too hot to make cupcakes. The neighbors’ son, daughter-in-law and two lovely boys had just flown in from Sardinia, and I thought they could use a little American treat.

And this recipe is distinctly American, because it uses an ingredient that is hard to find outside of the U.S.: Continue reading