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[Salad] Dressed For Success

13 Mar

Besides, the color looks so nice against the green lettuce!

If I’m going to have a salad, then the dressing has to be good. Nothing turns me off a salad like a boring or badly dressed salad. That’s one of the reasons I’m addicted to Trader Joe’s Seasoned Rice Vinegar. And when I say addicted, I’m not kidding. This stuff, a little olive or grapeseed oil and some freshly ground black pepper transforms any green stuff into a lovely salad.

But today’s tidbit is not about that simple but satisfying dressing. This is one that I bastardized from the lovely Isa Chandra Moscowitz. Yes, again. Continue reading

Don’t Like Brussels Sprouts? Try This Recipe.

29 Nov

The perfect winter side dish!

I’ve always been a fan of Brussels sprouts, even when my sisters weren’t. They’re like little cabbages! What’s not to like? Well, it seems that sprouts of the Brussels variety are still much maligned, and I was happy when The Pater requested them for my contribution to our Thanksgiving meal (held unconventionally on Saturday this year). The Husband was doubly excited—it’s possibly his favorite vegetable dish I make.

Since there was only going to be one vegetarian in the group this year, I decided to add bacon to the original recipe that I cobbled together from a recipe. Hers called for tofu and a different nut, but I like this one best. For vegetarians/vegans, omit the bacon (natch!) and just start with the garlic step. You won’t be disappointed, and if you are, please comment below so I can apologize directly. Continue reading